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  #11 (permalink)  
Alt 11.03.2009, 17:22
Benutzerbild von Gabi
Registriert seit: 04.06.2008
Ort: Bad Dürkheim
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Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

noch mal Glückwunsch auch für groningen. dein Deutsch ist gut zu verstehen
liebe Grüsse von Gabi, den Boxerles Aura und Alfons und Knut und Daisy unvergessen hinter der Regenbogenbrücke
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  #12 (permalink)  
Alt 28.03.2009, 23:17
kim kim ist offline
Baron / Baronin
Registriert seit: 03.02.2009
Ort: Holland, Limburg.
Beiträge: 51
Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

nach groningen ist er im leiden gewesen..und er hat wieder 1 gemacht und beste rude und BOB! und in ring of honour 5th best dog of group 2!

sorry..jetz im englisch..

Again a very big big yes for me and bruut!

today i went to Luxembourg, for show.
Bruut was in youth class he became Luxembourg Youth Champion, Best male, and Best of Breed with his 15months!! and in ring of honour for youth dogs over 53dogs...he became 3TH best Youth dog! and last but not least also the Crufts Qualification for 2010!!! oh my god i am living in a dream this moment...he is so young..and on this show bob..and his show 2 weeks before also my god..i dont expected this! i need sleep...what a day!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Alt 28.03.2009, 23:24
Benutzerbild von artreju
Registriert seit: 08.09.2008
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Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

wow - what a wonderful day for you and your dog - great !!!
Liebe Grüße von Gaby mit Börr & Bragi
Sam & Odin für immer im Herzen
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  #14 (permalink)  
Alt 29.03.2009, 00:10
kim kim ist offline
Baron / Baronin
Registriert seit: 03.02.2009
Ort: Holland, Limburg.
Beiträge: 51
Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

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wow - what a wonderful day for you and your dog - great !!!
thanks, it really was a wonderfull day for me and bruut..i am still a bit in shock now..and also what the judge told me about bruut..i was in heaven..i thougt that moment..hihi..bruut is sleeping so i will go also to sleep and see tommorow if it was a dream or not..hihi..
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  #15 (permalink)  
Alt 29.03.2009, 19:53
Benutzerbild von Carmen
Graf / Gräfin
Registriert seit: 22.02.2009
Ort: 55774 Baumholder
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Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

Your german isn´t that bad. Congratulations from us too !
Donna,Mäx and Carmen
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  #16 (permalink)  
Alt 01.04.2009, 19:22
kim kim ist offline
Baron / Baronin
Registriert seit: 03.02.2009
Ort: Holland, Limburg.
Beiträge: 51
Standard AW: yes..jippie!!

thanks for the congrats!:-)
we will go to the crufts with him in 2010:-)
and he must win 1 time in holland then he is here also youth i pray for it..then he is retired from showing untill 2years..because he is way to young for the normal championship he have already 2points for i pray 1 more time..and when he is for the may here champ..than i try to make him vdh youth champ..i mean you must win twice 1exc?
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