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Alt 05.08.2011, 13:44
Benutzerbild von Wie Waldi
Wie Waldi Wie Waldi ist offline
Der mitohne Hund
Registriert seit: 18.02.2005
Ort: Niederrhein, nicht op de schäle Sick
Beiträge: 4.703
Standard AW: Mastino Videos

hier die erklärung

i would like only tell you that the definition of "zaccaro" is not an adjective that one can apply to this or that dog...zaccaro was a REAL, existed type of mastino and bloodline, some of the breeders are still alive, and, in my modest opinion, only the ones who worked and took care of this blood could be give to all the comunity how is a real zaccaro, qualities and faults..and so on... Zaccaro-type born from a particular mastino-variation present before the riconoscimento, fighting-molossos whose lived, hidden, in some coves around afragola and acerra, then seleceted and developed first by mr. giacco "zaccaro", then from him, throw the "chianchiere" (butcher) to mr. oliviero and lampitelli and then to mr. maresca, mr. scognamiglio, mr. esposito, <...>

quelle: http://www.neapolitanworld.com/commu...orderasc-.html
Eine strukturell desintegrierte Finalitaet in Relation zur Zentralisationskonstellation provoziert die eskalative Realisierung destruktiver Integrationsmotivationen durch lokal aggressive Individuen der Spezies "Canis".
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