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Alt 07.08.2006, 09:44
Benutzerbild von Nanni
Graf / Gräfin
Registriert seit: 25.02.2005
Ort: NRW
Beiträge: 178
Standard International Symposium

Samba Global Ltd. ( organisiert ein "International Symposium" - Details unten, es ist leider auf Englisch, deshalb ist auch die Einladung auf Englisch.

International Symposium
9 and 10 September 2006

Location: ‘t Rood Kasteel, Kasteelstraat 16, 3523 Guigoven (Belgium)

Programme ( language: English)

Saturday 9th September

09:30-10:00 : welcoming
10:00-12:30 Mr. Fred Lanting Gait & Structure Analysis
12:30-13:00 : lunch
13:00-14:00 Dr. Christine Swinnen Canine Skin Diseases
14:15-16:00 Mr. Fred Lanting Canine Orthopaedics

Sunday 10th September

09:30-10:00 welcoming
10:00-12:00 Ir. Ed Gubbels Genetic Management of the Dog Breed Population
12:00-12:30 : lunch
12:30-16:00 : Mr. Vincent Marvell The Boerboel- in depth.

Guest speakers
Mr. Fred Lanting (USA)The worlds leading non-veterinarian orthopaedic expert. A much in demand speaker about orthopaedics as well as gait and conformation, author of various books as well as being a famous international judge.

Dr. Christine Swinnen (B)
A small animal vet with the certificate of veterinary dermatology.

Ir. Ed J. Gubbels (NL)
Geneticist and expert in the field of breeding. One of the founders of Genetic Counselling services, an institute that specialises in; advising on the breeding and keeping of companion animals. He has been seriously involved with all sorts of breeding for the last 40 years.
He has been active as breeding adviser for all types of breed clubs, focussing especially on the health and wellbeing problems that are frequently found in all breeds of dog.

Mr. Vincent Marvell (RSA)
Top of the bill for Boerboel breeders. Prominent breeder and international judge of the South African Boerboel.

Interested? Let us know in plenty of time as there are a limited number of places available.

Price including light lunch:
Saturday or Sunday: € 70,-
The whole weekend : € 85,-

Entries before 27 august 2006. via e-mail, post of telephone. Payment confirms your entry.

- Contact details:
- e-mail: [email protected]
- post: SAMBA Global, Wijnandstraat 16, B-3700, Lauw-Tongeren (B)
- telephone: Sonia Morgan -0032 (0) 13 66 72 05
- Bank details::
- Bank: Landbouwkrediet Meerhout
- Account number: 103-0165447-33 ( IBAN: BE79 1030 1654 4733 / BIC (SWIFT): NICABEBB )
- Account name.: Samba Global Ltd
- Mentioning.: “Symposium September 2006” the day and number of people

Should you require accommodation during the symposium, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help.
Viele Grüße,
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