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  #7 (permalink)  
Alt 27.10.2005, 19:54
Beiträge: n/a

ich habe auch Tontons Züchtern um Rat gefragt, und nachstehende Mail bekommen.
Hört sich grausam an, aber es scheint zu helfen. Die Stelle sieht schon viel besser aus. Das beträufeln mit Zitrone scheint nicht weh zu tun. Für alle Interessierten, hier Ihre Vorgehensweise:

The best you can do is cut short the hair in the spot and around it (1 cm around the whole spot will do) and then:

1) Clean the spot three times a day if that is at all possible with a Chlorexidine cleaner, using gauze, not cotton and let it dry completely

2) Then apply and massage well into the wound while squeezing it, half a lemon and do it also three times a day.

3) You should notice that the hot spot starts drying up quite fast. It is important that every time you clean the wound and apply the lemon, you remove all dirt (darkish scab coating) that builds on top of the hot spot for a few days.

4) IN maybe three-four days the hot spot will be completely dry and will look light grey. That means that the healing is completed.

5) All you need to do then is check that the hair starts growing.

6) End of the story.

Grüße, Mola
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