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Alt 09.04.2013, 00:13
Benutzerbild von Jamiesfam
Jamiesfam Jamiesfam ist offline
Baron / Baronin
Registriert seit: 09.04.2013
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Standard Nahrungsergänzung - Rottweiler ab Welpenalter

Hiho, wollte mal fragen ob jemand von euch sich ausgiebig mit dem Thema Nahrungsergänzung für Molosser usw eingelesen hat. Beabsichtige demnächst unserem kleinen Rottweiler Welpen zusätzlich zu seiner Nahrung (Platinum Puppy Chicken, manchmal darauf Joghurt oder Quark) eine Nahrungsergänzung zu geben um so vor allem seine Gelenke im Wachstum und auch im ausgewachsenen Alter zu unterstützen.

Mir schwebt dabei "aniMedica CURASAL AGILITY Hund " vor. Die Zusammensetzung :

5,7% Baumrinde, gemahlen
4% Muschelfleisch, getrocknet
pflanzliche Fette

Natürlich ist dabei das Weizenmehl jetzt nicht das beste was man seinem Hund so geben könnte. Die restlichen bestandteile sollen dabei jedoch sehr stark unterstützend wirken. Auszug zu einem Interessanten Artikel der sich mit dem Thema beschäftigt :

Don’t get a false sense of security from popular commercial dog foods developed specifically for “large breeds” and “large breed puppies”. These are basically just marketing gimmicks. What is important for all dog foods is that the calcium phosphorus ratio is about 1.2:1 for the normal growth and maintenance of bones. There is no scientific data I have ever heard of that prove these different formulations need to exist if these commercial dog foods were correctly balanced in all nutrients to begin with. These companies claim that a lower protein and calorie content are necessary for the large breed formulations. This is based on a ridiculous study where one group of Labrador retrievers were fed restricted portions of puppy food and another group were fed the SAME food but had free access to eat as much as they wanted. The group that had free choice ate more calories, protein, and coincidently became overweight. These dogs had a greater incidence of hip dysplasia – big surprise right? A bunch of fat puppies with stressed joints. How about just feeding the puppy the correct amount of food? When wolves take down a deer there is not a part of the deer for puppies, adults, seniors, etc. Commercial pet foods will even advertise popular supplements that promote joint health added to the food. Unless, you are feeding your dog plenty of RAW bones and cartilage he will never get the nutrients that he needs for optimum joint health from a commercial dog food. Simply, it is just too expensive for these companies to put the necessary amount of quality joint supplements in their food. These small amounts are added mostly for marketing purposes. After one of my American bulldogs developed signs of degenerative bone disease anyway after raising her on one of these “large breed” formulas I placed her on a good joint supplement and immediately reversed the obvious effects and she has been comfortable for years and have put my other dogs on joint supplementation as a preventative and it is one of the best things I’ve ever done for them. To have 100 pound plus senior dogs running around still like puppies brings me as much happiness as it does to them. There are many on the market but I strongly recommend to any dog over 6 months of age, especially large breeds and long backed breeds, either “Cosequin” which contains cartilage and joint repair nutrients or “Agility” which contains the nutrients for both cartilage and joint repair and also nutrients for strengthening the connective tissue and muscle around the joints. That’s what I give my dogs.
Vielleicht sind hier ja noch ein paar Leute die sich mit dem Thema auseinander gesetzt haben und ein paar wertvolle tipps geben können ?

Geändert von Grazi (23.04.2013 um 14:58 Uhr) Grund: Zitat kenntlich gemacht
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